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Alex Benson

My parents signed us up for a lot of different camps and programs over the summer growing up, and this one will always stand out the most for all of us. It brought us together even more as a family, made my sister and I that much more prepared for adult hood. As well as introduced us to so many different people from all over. This program is something I still rave about to this day, and I am now 24.

You learn so much from this program that you can actually carry on through life with you. I never thought that a summer program my mom signed me up for as a kid, would have such a big impact on my life. I am forever grateful.

How did the program impact the way you connect with food today?
I have always connected with food, it has the ability to bring people together and in my mind, no problem cant be solved over a dinner table with a home cooked meal. When I was in college, I much rather preferred to cook my own food as opposed to eating out. I grew up in a home that always ate very fresh and healthy, but this helped carry over into my adult life.

What do you remember most?
I remember walking in and before you started any cooking, you went over the recipe and you got your mis en place ready. I still do this. I was fortunate to be able to try all of these amazing experiences through this program such as cooking at the Esquire grill, Waterboy, The Kitchen, competing, as well as going to Bermuda. I loved every minute of this program.

What is your fondest memory?
Getting to go to Bermuda. I will never forget that trip and everything I learned. That trip helped me grow up into the person I am today.

What skill, cooking technique or ‘trick’ did you learn from the program that you still use today?
The “claw”

Would you recommend Jr. Chef Central to a young person considering the program today? 
Yes! This program helped carve my whole college and career path. I was able to teach high school culinary classes my junior and senior year of High School. I had so many different internships throughout high school, as well as received my certificate in culinary arts from ROP. I ultimately majored in Hospitality Management from Cal Poly Pomona, and am now working in the hospitality industry.

Master Jr. Chef Alex Benson completed 6 years of Jr. Chef Program.  Her current passions include cooking, trying new restaurants, skiing, hiking, wine, reading.

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Kevin Vargas

Jr. Chef Central really lived up to its mission statement.  I started with Karla a summer before Jr. Chef Central was founded.  I remember learning how to bake cookies with her in a demo kitchen at a local grocery store. Just that little bit opened my eyes in to the world of the culinary arts.  The next summer my mother entered me into the JCC program. 
The program that Karla founded changed my view of food over the next 7 years.  JCC showed me how food gets from the farm to the table and every step that is in-between, the difference a simple dietary change can make for our lifestyles, how family and friends can be gathered around by food and make a day of memories, tasting different cuisines, and learning all the different flavor pallets each culture can have.

How did the program impact the way you connect with food today?
JCC really helped me to explore and try new things that I thought I’d never try. This can range from a simple vegetable to trying more exotic items such as deer, rabbit, or duck.  It gave me the foundation to experiment and change a recipe. To alter the ingredients and introduce fusion cuisine. The best example of what I learned would be adding some Asian ingredients into a Mexican dish. The melody of flavors in the dishes only grew. Sometimes it would work, and sometimes it would not, but that’s the beauty of exploring new things.

What do you remember most?
The cooking skills and knife techniques.  To be able to use a variety of kitchen gadgets at home with no worries from my mother as a child.  She was often impressed that I’d be able to make bread or homemade pasta from scratch at home.  Or make a desert that would taste so much better than something store bought.

What is your fondest memory?
The fondest memory would be the classes that JCC offered. That part of the day was always exciting. I’ve made friends in that class that I still keep in contact with 12 years later.  Our friendship grew because of the food we cooked when we worked together. The field trips of learning how food gets to our table. All of it was so much fun for me during summer because I got to cook the food, and then eat it!

What skill, cooking technique or ‘trick’ did you learn from the program that you still use today?
The “claw”.  Using my hand as a claw when cutting up any item has saved the tips of my fingers (and thumb!!) more times than I can count. When you are in a rush to make an item for a family, guest, or friend, being safe is the most important part.

Also meeting Guy Fieri at the state capital for the farm to fork capital in Sacramento was really cool! Guy even signed my chefs jacket!

What do you wish you knew then that you know now?
That rushing isn’t always the best way to approach a situation.  It’s ok to mess up and start over.  The food you make doesn’t have to be prefect the first time you make it. Just get the hang of the recipe and master it over time.  Then when you feel comfortable, try something new! Change the flavors, add more veggies or less! It’s up to you in the end as you’re the Chef.

I would recommend the program to anyone that has a child or teenager that is interested in cooking. It’s important that they have the necessary skills to be able to cook.  We’ve come into a society that would rather order something then spend the time to make it at home.  To be able to cook amazing food and spend time with family/friends is one of the best ways to make memories.

With Jr.Chef Central being able to see all the steps from farm to fork was eye opening to me.  The kitchen and knife skills that I’ve learned can be used for the rest of my life, but also it has helped me teach others as well!

Master Jr. Chef Kevin Vargas spent 7 years in the Jr. Chef Program, followed by 6 years as a JCC instructor.   He is passionate about the food service industry. 

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Jordan Mitchell, MS, RD

Jr. Chef helped me understand that food is the connection point of all people – we all need to eat no matter where we come from or who we are. JCC taught me what healthy means and how to implement healthy cooking techniques to feed my family, even as a kid.

Because of JCC, I was set up for success in the food and nutrition industry. I have cooking skills and knowledge that I wouldn’t have otherwise, which led me down the career path of becoming a high-end cook, Registered Dietitian, and freelance food photographer and recipe developer.

How did the program impact the way you connect with food today?
Jr. Chef taught me the building blocks of cooking and nutrition, which helped me to see food as a way to nourish myself and others and find solace in the kitchen no matter what else is going on in my life.

What do you remember most?
I remember that I was such a picky eater before JCC, but we were immersed so fully in the commercial kitchen experience that I had to drop that in order to eat what I was making! I remember all of the new things – stuffing whole birds, deveining shrimp, and accidentally scrambling eggs while baking.

What is your fondest memory?
One of my fondest memories from JCC is bonding and making friends while we deveined shrimp. I had never eaten shrimp, let alone touched raw ones, so I was very squeamish and unsure. Five shrimps in and I was having a great time laughing and prepping shrimp like an expert.

What skill, cooking technique or ‘trick’ did you learn from the program that you still use today?
How to temper eggs so they don’t turn into scrambled eggs in batter and how to act professionally in a commercial kitchen.

What do you wish you knew then that you know now?
All food is worth trying once. There is no point in being a picky eater, so just dive in and experience as much as you can.

I would recommend Jr. Chef Central to anyone even remotely interested in the program.  It will help you to understand the principles of food preparation, healthy eating, and proper food etiquette. The lessons I learned in JCC were invaluable in setting the foundation for my career.

Jordan Mitchell is a freelance content creator for James Beard award winning dietitian and jordanmitchellrd.com

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